Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
For every £1 spent on attracting visitors to your site using online advertising,
You’ll normally only need to spend 10p on Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising,
And just 1p on Search Engine Optimisation (SEO).
We can advise the right mix of Search Engine Marketing for your business,
To ensure your site is listed in the most effective position
For search engine results pages and within the sponsored links.

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)
SEM has a significant impact on the way we design and build our sites, in both the nuts and bolts of the site and in the user interface.
Our sites are not only built to be ‘robot friendly’, but we also use SEM data to inform key decisions in site structure and page layout.
This creates a ‘naturally optimised’ site to maximise search engine coverage, with clear routes to conversion to achieve the most from your site.
Search Engine Marketing In China
Baidu, the leading Chinese search engine, is the third most popular search engine in the world. That speaks clearly to the immense size and power of the Chinese market.
What does it take to succeed in China? First of all, you need to be familiar with the local ranking factors and how to conduct SEO for the popular search engines, such as Baidu, Sogou (Sohu), iAsk (Sina), SoSo (Tecent), Youdao (163), (360) and ChinaSo.
Here are but a few tips:
- Use native speakers (instead of automatic translations)
- Get an ICP license (essential) and a .cn domain (where possible)
- Know the list of blacklisted words
- Speed is essential so test it regularly
- Use plain HTML for all your links
- Keep your content fresh
The uniqueness, complexity and changing nature of China’s online marketing environment can only be tackled by first hand information and hands on experience, but fear not – our native Chinese online marketing experts can give you both.